Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/15/21



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the Senate impeachment trial was unconstitutional and now Republicans can impeach VP Kamala Harris based on this precedent when they regain the House, however, they won't. Mitch McConnell's comments after Trump’s acquittal are a disgraceful disaster. His goal has always been to take down conservatives which is why he promotes establishment candidates. Yet, Harris gets a pass for providing aid and comfort to the rioters in the form of a bail fund. Then, Republicans will not take the Senate until they remove McConnell or We The People won’t give them the majority. McConnell is the Anthony Fauci of the Republican Senate. Later, Fauci has received a million-dollar prize for defending science. Interestingly, the virus is no longer front and center on the cable news screens once President Biden was elected. This is the same Fauci that said Andrew Cuomo's pandemic response was exemplary. Cuomo is defending himself saying only certain nursing homes prioritized the admittance of COVID-19 p