Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/8/21



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, Chuck Cooper, who is in effect Joe Biden and the Democrats attorney, penned an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal surmising that Bill Clinton's private offenses were not impeachable but alleges that Donald Trump has committed offenses and these allegations are impeachable. Cooper erroneously reimagines the constitution to make the case for trying and removing a private citizen in a Senate removal trial. However, not a single founder at the Constitutional Convention ever suggested that the impeachment clause was for anyone but those currently sitting in public office. Then, even Nancy Pelosi had prior knowledge of a planned riot at the Capitol, and she did nothing. What did Pelosi and Mitch McConnell know and when did they know it? Later, Liz Cheney who voted to impeach President Trump does not deserve to be in leadership. Her home state of Wyoming has censured her, and she may not politically survive re-election. Afterward, the Biden Administration's attack on American energy indepe