Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/5/21



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, the Manchurian candidate, Joe Biden, and the Democrats spent another quarter of a trillion dollars to appease the teachers' unions, not the American people hurting from coronavirus. The majority of the money is to help democrats close budget gaps that existed before the coronavirus. Biden has destroyed thousands of key jobs by shutting down one pipeline and are considering shutting down all pipelines. This relief bill isn't about helping small businesses, or anything else, it's about massively transferring wealth. Also, Raheem Kassam from the National Pulse calls to react to the Time Magazine article that admits that a cabal of corporatists, activists, and politicians changed election laws and more to "secure" a victory for Biden. Hundreds of millions of dollars were invested by foundations and other organizations to influence the election for Biden through uprisings for racial justice. Even details like putting election drop boxes on streets that are frequented by Democrats more