Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/4/21



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, teachers' unions are the biggest scam going. Confiscatory taxes are taken through property tax so that teachers can be paid and now they don't want to show up to work and educate our children. Teachers' unions are insisting that teachers should stay home for fear of the coronavirus adding that both students and adults must be vaccinated before they return to work. Meanwhile, the facts and the science show that kids don't spread the virus as much as adults. In an attempt to bribe another constituent group, Sen. Chuck Schumer wants to forgive $50,000 in school debt to look out for the little guy, unless that little guy works for a pipeline. Elizabeth Warren and other leftists adore the idea of financially bolstering the propaganda mills that support and spread their ideology. Mitt Romney is proposing a new welfare program that pays people a national basic income and this includes children. Romney is the new George McGovern. \Then, the New York Times continue their attempts to lump