Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/28/21



On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, there is a positive revolution going on in the finance world with the GameStop stock soaring benefitting the little guy instead of benefitting the hedge fund managers. The Wall Street big wigs lost their shirts trying to drive down the stock while average people reaped the rewards of the increase, in a Trump-like populist uprising if you will. Then, Dr. Elaine Healy, the whistleblower from the New York Association of Nursing Home Medical Directors, calls in to react to the New York Attorney General's report on underreported COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes. The report reveals that as much as 50% of the deaths that occurred in New York state nursing homes were not reported. Later, why are parents paying to send their kids to a school so that they can be taught to hate America, hate their family and hate their genitalia? A California school district wants to rename several schools because some of the names are now controversial.  Also, Joe Biden's climate czar, former Secretary of