Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/26/21



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, equality has now evolved into equity and President Biden will mention it often, but he rarely mentions the word freedom. One can have equity in poverty but that's not helpful. Constitutional amendments and the civil rights movement paved the way for equality for minorities under the law and the issue of equity is a farce. The denial of school choice in communities of color is the simplest test to prove what Biden or any other Democrat truly care about, the education of kids in urban areas or teachers' unions. Then, Marxism seeks to eliminate history, the founding, and eventually all Americanism. The identity politics movement upsets genuine Marxists who argue that all things relate to materialism, not to mention that Karl Marx was a racist. This is why Marxists reject the concept of distinction and individuality so that all people will focus on the all-provident central government, the state. The goal must be to treat individuals as human beings not as part of a group, caste, or