Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/25/21



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, Big Media, Big Tech, and the democrats are perpetuating a fraud impeachment trial on the American people. What is the purpose of impeachment? It has its roots in British common law and exists to remove public officials from office, to undo an election. It does not exist to impeach a private citizen. Then, the Chief Justice is the only person that has any Constitutional authority to preside over any impeachment trial. No one else has such authority. The logic of the founders is clear on impeachment. Later, section three of the 14th Amendment gets misrepresented regularly. Anyone looking to this amendment with respect to the current impeachment has already found someone guilty of an insurrection and has no place serving in public office.  Afterward, President Biden routinely misstates coronavirus facts and tries to take credit for the Trump Administration's achievements. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit