Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/20/21



On Wednesday's Mark Show, unlike Trump's 2017 inauguration, today’s didn’t have any riots and other antagonists. The peaceful transition of power was focused on unity. In particular, unity around self-hate, open borders, and the re-writing of our history. The new administration is unified around tax-payer funded abortion-on-demand, appeasement toward foreign enemies like the Palestinian Authority, Iran, and the communist Chinese. The left seems to be united around instituting the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force (manifesto). Biden isn't about unity, he's about conformity and making those that object persona non grata in society.  Then, for the sake of unity, did Biden ask for his party to stop the malicious impeachment of the 45th President? Did he ask that his former Senate colleagues not seek to eliminate the filibuster rule? In the name of unity did Biden ask the people and Congress to respect the independence of the Supreme Court and to avoid packing it? Of course not. it's about conformity, not unity. Late