Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/15/21



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, one-party rule is becoming the norm, and even worse most forms of communications (big tech and big media) are run by the left. The idea of progressivism has its roots in the philosophies of Hegel, Marx, and Rousseau and concentrates on egalitarianism and autocratic government. Progressives don't hold on to any permanent truths and seek to rewrite or recreate history. From Cicero's teaching, it's known that virtue is the cornerstone of good government in our Constitutional system and that is not possible when corruption and immorality abound. Later, propaganda is the invisible arm of corrupt governments. Mao, Stalin, and other followers of Marx don't believe in half-Marxists; they destroy what exists and attack the history that came before to promote their revolution. Does anyone know that it wasn't Pelosi who set off these fanatics (who had their attack planned well in advance of Trump's comments)? The BLM bail fund endorsed by Kamala Harris refuses to disclose who they bailed out