Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/14/21



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, there is a full-on assault on the American way of life. We The People believe in virtue and the civil society. Yet, historically Mark Levin has been threatened by Klansmen, neo-confederates, and radical militia-types. But, overall most Americans don't support those radicals; they just want peace and tranquility. The truth is that one can support a wall and legal immigration without being a racist. One can support voter ID laws without being a racist. One can support law enforcement without supporting any abuses of power and not be a racist, but the media will have to think that you can't. A distinction must be made between those that peacefully marched in Washington and the insurrectionists that broke into the Capitol building because they are not one and the same. Then, the left within the media has been inciting and normalizing violence for quite some time. In a new recording released by Project Veritas, reveals that Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey admits that Twitter is actively focu