Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/8/21



On Friday's Mark Levin show, free speech is under attack. Twitter has suspended President Trump's account indefinitely and Apple is threatening to suspend Parler from its App Store. Parler investor Dan Bongino joins the show to explain how today's digital town square is under siege. Publishers like the New York Times are liable for what they publish. Platforms like Twitter and Parler are currently exempt from liability due to Section 230. The left favors monopolies and hates competition. So in response to the fascistic policies at Twitter, Mark Levin has voluntarily suspended its Twitter account. Then, in one of Nancy Pelosi's last political breaths, she and the Democrats are now insisting on impeaching Trump for a second time falsely claiming that he has called an insurrection on Capitol Hill. Yet, Pelosi incited an insurrection calling federal police "storm troopers" and assaulted our Constitution by allowing the attack on federal courts. Kamala Harris called for continued riots this summer, should she be i