Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/6/21



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, anarchy is not to be accepted and those that broke into the Capitol building are lucky they were not all shot upon breaking the doors and rushing into the building. This violence must be denounced not excused. Storming the capital building was stupid and accomplished nothing. All this does is give the left and the media fodder for their attack on President Trump and conservatives. Meanwhile, the hundreds of thousands of people that assembled did not storm the Capital but peacefully assembled. All summer long Antifa was criticized by conservatives for their attacks on federal buildings and anyone breaching the Capitol must be equally criticized. There is no defense for people that take it amongst themselves to break the law and break into Congress. Then, the media is desperately trying to tie the President to this violence. The mob that breached the Capitol Building does not represent all of the supporters that peaceably assembled in support of Trump. Challenging the electoral c