Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/22/20



On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark. Government lockdowns and shutting down businesses does nothing to stop the spread of COVID, but only suck the life out of the economy and kill small businesses. The elite don’t even follow their own rules - Dr. Deborah Birx traveled to see family for Thanksgiving, going against her own orders. We were sold on stopping the spread and flattening the curve, but it’s been almost a whole year. Biden is providing an even bleaker outlook, today saying in his holiday message that the darkest days are ahead of us, not behind us. Also, President Trump is standing up for Americans again, telling Congress he will veto the COVID Stimulus Bill unless they remove billions in wasteful spending and the direct payout to citizens is increased. Hundreds of billions of dollars shouldn’t be given in federal aid while Americans are suffering and their businesses are shut down. This is socialism and everyone knows it, which is why Trump is taking a stand. Learn more about