Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/18/20



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, a new report by Phill Kline shows that Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, donated hundreds of millions of dollars to various organizations to help Joe Biden win. Facebook is an evil diabolical platform that advances the propaganda of the left under protection from the federal government. Washington Republicans should support 'We The People' instead of the robber barons like Facebook. Kudos to Trump for having the courage to veto the pork-filled defense bill in order to defend all Americans from a poor piece of legislation. Also, the media is attempting to paint President Trump as if he's not taking this Russian cyber threat seriously. However, it was Trump that built up the military and added a new branch, the Space Force. America spends trillions on its massive bureaucracy, but it's never held to account. There's never a merit-based system where people are held accountable for their actions. Then, both Russia and China are enemies of the United States yet the politicians in Congress