Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/16/20



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, if sworn in, Joe Biden will be an illegitimate president. The states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, Michigan, and Arizona, all had changes made to their election laws that violated the federal Constitution. These states represent 73 electoral college votes. It's a travesty that the Supreme Court has abdicated its duty to uphold the Constitution. Then, Biden and the Democrats lied to America and the media helped them do it. The press covered for Hunter Biden but now they've been exposed. This election has been exposed by Sen. Ron Johnson, Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, who brought in a host of witnesses to highlight the importance of election integrity. Later, Peter Schweizer calls in and explains that Joe and Hunter Biden aren't the only Washington insiders with close ties to China. Sen. Mitch McConnell's wife's family owns a transportation company linked to China. Afterward, Rep Eric Swalwell should be expelled from Congress for his close personal in