Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/8/20



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, the Supreme Court has institutionalized chaos and lawlessness. Just forty minutes after the last brief was filed the US Supreme Court denied the Pennsylvania case brought by Representative Mike Kelly and Congressional Candidate Sean Parnell. Similar to Justice Owen Roberts who served during President FDR’s administration, this Supreme Court is fearful of the media chaos. This Court could have stood up before the election compelling states to adhere to state election laws under the state and federal Constitutions. But of course, they did not. The campaign can still make a future request for certiorari. In effect, and as of now, any state supreme court can now legislate from the bench because of their cowardice to uphold the federal constitution. Then, there would be no coronavirus vaccine but for President Trump, operation warp speed and his administration. The nuance of his management style would be the topic of books if he were a Democrat. But the media will do anything to prop