Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/4/20



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, Americans cannot become pollyannas. The Democrat Party and the US media are defending China. America is beginning a decline and the greater the power amassed by the left within the Democrat Party, the faster the decline. America is fighting a two-front war; internationally and internally. China is ascending and the United States is descending. The hate on for America's economic system is reaching a fever pitch. The system that has created the greatest amount of wealth for the greatest amount of people, more than any other economic system ever has. The American free-market reflects human nature, allowing for fewer and fewer people to make decisions. Then, Marxism is an abstraction built on poverty which teaches its adherents that they must go broke, to take handouts, or get crushed. Sadly American children are not taught to love capitalism, they are taught to hate it. This has brought us to a time of systemic lawlessness where liberty is destroyed in the name of liberty. The franch