Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/1/20



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, it's clear that the US supreme court is unwilling to act on the constitutional questions regarding the election but we must advocate nonetheless. Everything is on the line and everything is at stake. There is also absolute lawlessness going on in the state of Pennsylvania and their supreme court! Then, the media is focused on President Trump's legal expenses but didn't care when taxpayers were footing the bill for the Mueller witch hunt. The media should be focused on exposing the truth not criticizing the Trump campaign. Later, concerning Attorney General Bill Barr, the US DOJ does not have the foggiest idea if there is election voting fraud or not. The AG relies on the US Attorneys for that and they have been extremely passive.  Plus, investigative reporter James O’Keefe, President of Project Veritas, calls in with bombshell recordings from CNN's morning meetings where CEO Jeff Zucker dictates what will and won't be covered in their biased and propagandistic coverage of Trump.