Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/30/20



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, under the state constitution of Pennsylvania, the voting system can only be changed by the legislature. These changes require two consecutive sessions of the State Assembly and the public must be informed - this did not happen in this election and disenfranchised the citizenry and the voters. An omnibus bill known as Act 77 circumvented the legal process and was challenged but was rejected by the rogue state Supreme Court because the Court claimed the Republicans waited too long to bring the case (latches). This is problematic because the plaintiffs had no standing until the election occurred. This problem must be posed as a federal question and the plaintiffs must appeal this issue directly to the US Supreme Court. This must be fixed in Pennsylvania now or it will resurface in the future and no remedy needs to be fashioned by the US Supreme Court, but for the existing law to be upheld. If not, the electors will statutorily present their votes to Congress on January 6th and their