Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/26/20



On Thursday’s Mark Levin show, we bring you the best of Mark Levin! The reporting on the Trump campaign's legal challenges is just as bad as the reporting on the Russia hoax. CNN and MSNBC don't care about the facts at all. America deserves better. There are two types of challenges being brought: Constitutional challenges citing the 14th Amendment's equal protection clause as referenced by SCOTUS in Bush v. Gore; if there's disparate treatment of votes it's unfair. Period.   Also, regarding election evidence and those ignorant of civil litigation, expedited discovery can be ordered by the court as an immediate remedy. Discovery has not even occurred in this case. Affidavits from credible individuals that raise a reasonable question are enough to establish a need for expedited discovery per the rules of civil procedure. Concerning the Constitutional challenges, per Article II Section II Clause II, each state's legislature has the power over election laws. State courts, County officials, Governors, or their app