Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/12/20



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, the media's pressure on President Trump to give up this election fight is in full throttle. The left camouflages its lawlessness with righteousness. The democrats created this election, lawyers and leftwing groups went into these states and changed rules in states and many were unconstitutional. Their plan to use mail-in ballots, changing ballot due dates, and eliminating signature verification was an idea they know would draw ire. They commit the deeds then they blame the victim. It has only been nine days and the Democrats are growing weak in their resolve; calling for an end to any counting and recounting. Democrats are committed to eliminating electoral safeguards. Then, in 1982 Illinois was the scene of a hotly contested election and it was the subject of over 100,000 fraudulent votes. Adlai Stevenson ran against James Thompson and alleged vote fraud. The race initially came down to 5,000 votes for Thompson. A single worker came forward and told the FBI and the media about