Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/6/20



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, Justice Samuel Alito has issued an Order that any ballots received after 8 pm on election day in Pennsylvania be segregated and secured - and if counted, counted separately. There is a petition pending before SCOTUS and Alito has ordered the opposing side to reply by 2 pm Saturday. How long will Republicans support Trump in this election legal battle? That's what the media wants to know, however, the media can’t declare the next president. Only the state legislatures can submit their electoral votes to the US Congress. American's are being pressured and propagandized to accept the results of an election before they've even been finalized. Then, the Democrats never accepted Trump's presidency, they tried a soft coup, they attacked from the Manhattan DA's Office and the NYS State Attorney General. They attacked his family, his children, and his businesses. If it wasn't for Trump Republican candidates wouldn't have won as they did, maintaining all Republican incumbents in the House,