Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/4/20



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, the Democrats have been litigating in various states for months to change election laws to favor Joe Biden and Democrat candidates. The Pennsylvania Secretary of State fundamentally altered her guidance and was asked to resign by Republicans. She changed the rules for ballots after telling the state Supreme Court she'd separate any ballots received after 8 pm on election day. She then co-mingled those ballots defying, undermining, re-writing the existing election statutes that she told the court agreed to uphold. Then, Kimberly Strassel from the Wall Street Journal editorial board calls in to explain something strange that happened in Wisconsin’s election results from last night and today. Wisconsin has same-day voter registration. With turnout at 71%, Wisconsin would have needed 900k same-day registrations yesterday to reach the numbers being reported. Later, delays in counting votes occurred like never before as the Democrats waited for mail-in votes to arrive. Some states ha