Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/20/20



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, talk radio pioneer Rush Limbaugh announced that his lung cancer is progressing so he is advancing his treatment. Rush is the Babe Ruth of conservative talk radio and said that this was a play to round third base. Then, several former national security analysts that were not appointed by Trump have penned a letter to provide cover for Biden by spreading their own disinformation campaign and went to POLITICO to help spread their propaganda to the masses. Neither former VP Joe Biden nor Hunter Biden have denied that it is his laptop or that he'd ever been there. The DOJ and FBI agree that the laptop is authentic and the property of Hunter Biden. Later, In light of Chief Justice Roberts' siding with liberal-leaning justices concerning a recent case in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, the PA legislature must draft a resolution and present it to their state Supreme Court indicating that they must comply under article II of the US Constitution enforcing existing laws which gives the legi