Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/19/20



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the media says President Trump's character is defective, even though there are Presidents that have used the FBI against newspapers and political opponents in the past. Yet, people criticize President Trump for Tweeting. In fact, our 2nd President John Adams jailed his dissenters, and JFK used the IRS and FBI to go after political opponents. LBJ took it a step further using the CIA against critics. Still, critics are obsessed with Trump's Tweets. Then, just two weeks before an election Dr. Fauci was on 60 minutes to hurt President Trump's chances. Fauci and Biden oversaw the Swine Flu pandemic and way more people were infected than with coronavirus. While the coronavirus is more deadly it hasn't spread as much as the Swine Flu did, and if it were just as lethal the casualties on Biden's watch would have been catastrophic. Even VP Biden's then Chief of Staff, Ron Klain, says that Obama and Biden dodged a bullet concerning the lethality of the disease. Later, Hunter Biden isn't the