Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/2/20



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, President Trump has been diagnosed with coronavirus and gave a thumbs-up as he waved and boarded Marine-1 helicopter to head over to the presidential offices at the Walter Read Naval medical Center as he recovers. Data for recovery is very strong. Despite this virus, Trump has worked 20 hours every day, dealing with challenges most presidents never have to confront, as well as running an election in which he travels to the states to earn the public's vote, all while dealing with an extremely hostile press, Democrat Party, and federal bureaucracy -- and it is truly remarkable he did not get this virus earlier. Despite his critics, those who work with Trump know that he follows the science and the advice of doctors, he social distances and wears a mask whenever appropriate. Then, Dr. Marc Siegel calls in to discuss the progress that's been made with different drug combinations that are being used to treat the virus. Siegel added that the president's use of these medications is a goo