Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/1/20



On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, it was Joe Biden that first broke the debate rules and repeated the same beleaguering behavior that he displayed throughout the debate. Video from Biden's 2012 debate with Paul Ryan shows over 85 interruptions by Biden. Biden has made a career using tactics to prevent his opponent from responding. Then, White supremacy is repeatedly pushed on President Trump to denounce, despite his 17 previous disavowals. As the election nears, leftists in the media and the Democrat Party are again attempting to frame Trump as a racist. Later, Democrats are trying to change the rules to replicate California across all 50 states. This would allow packing of the Supreme Court and increases their chances of gaining more senate seats as they target the District of Columbia. Ending the filibuster would quash debate and allow the passage of laws with little pushback if there is a majority. Similarly, ending the Electoral College would weaken the least populous states negating any reason for even bein