Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/30/20



On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, only one candidate called the other candidate names at the Presidential debate – Joe Biden. The Commission on Presidential Debates organized a poorly moderated debate. Biden is a brawler that doesn't use facts, he uses insults, lies, and interruptions. Biden failed to make the case of who he was, what he's done, and why he'd be a better President than Trump. Later, John Adams versus Thomas Jefferson was the birth of negative campaigning. Adams and Jefferson were friends but party politics played a heavy role at that time and a sitting vice president ran against a sitting president. Then, Biden has failed to criticize Democrat Governors for the deadly decision of putting patients that tested positive for Coronavirus in nursing homes which cost the lives of so many elderly Americans. Now, NY Governor Andrew Cuomo denied that this ever even happened.  Afterward, former FBI Director James Comey took the virtual hot seat in front of the US Senate Judiciary Committee where Comey mini