Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/28/20



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the media's timing of President Trump’s tax returns is incredibly well-timed to influence the first Presidential debate. The corrupt New York Times has refused to release their documents which were obtained illegally. The NY Times seeks to impact this election and remove a president they disagree with. This activism is political campaigning, not a free press. Then, Joe Biden and his wife exploited an S-Corporation loophole to avoid paying payroll taxes on speaking fees. These IRS codes were passed when Biden was a voting member of the Senate. While his family enriched themselves by selling Biden's name to Russians, Ukrainians, and the Chinese. Later, Religion cannot, must not, be used as a disqualifier to prevent anyone from serving in public office. However, many Democrats are pushing their anti-Catholic bigotry in their politics and through their partners in the media. Democrats, including Speaker Pelosi and Biden, will do anything to sabotage Judge Amy Coney-Barrett. These part