Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/14/20



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the war on police continues as two cops were ambushed in an attempted assassination. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are not connected to this, but they sure as hell have been passively silent on this violence. Then, the left relies on the public's ignorance and the Democrats and their allies in the media are blaming President Trump for the systemic racism, coronavirus deaths, riots, looting, and now wildfires in California are being blamed on Trump too. The problem is that Democrats have run Oregon, Washington, and California into the ground, in many cases having one-party control, following Clinton era anti-logging policies, yet they blame Trump. Later, football ratings are down 28% because patriots have taken a knee to the NFL. This is the result of politicizing a sport when Americans just want to enjoy watching a game not get insulted by Marxist, anarchist, and anti-Semitic rhetoric. Afterward, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy calls in to discuss the House agenda, Commitment t