Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/9/20



On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, we have another pseudo-event. This time from a different anti-Trump author, Bob Woodward, accusing President Trump of downplaying the coronavirus to prevent panic amongst the people. These leftists and disgruntled former administration officials want to beat Trump and will use media to do it. Sadly, Woodward's attack on the president is not surprising. This is the very same media that played down the virus and echoed Anthony Fauci's claim that the virus was comparable to the seasonal flu. Then, Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by a Norwegian. If not for the Wuhan China virus, Trump's re-election would be a cakewalk. Yet some generals think that they, not the president, are the commander in chief. Later, do Hispanic lives matter to the democrats? A new Miami Herald poll shows Trump gaining traction as does the latest NBC poll. The truth is that Joe Biden did nothing for minority communities while he was VP or for 40 years before that. Afterward, Congressional c