Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/31/20



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, WJNO radio host Brian Mudd fills in for Mark. Historically, the Democrats' leftist policies have a negative impact on minorities. Radical governors chase away those that have financial means and take advantage of those that don't. This is why citizens need to know their information and their history. Then, Seattle Seahawks coach Pete Carroll blames old white Europeans for America's founding and using slaves. Carroll's comments suggested that slavery never ended. Later, failures in education are why so many people are getting duped throughout the pandemic. New data suggests that 64% of students are learning less than they did before the lockdown. This information shines a light on how distance education is negatively affecting most students. Afterward, the attack on Senator Rand Paul following the RNC highlights the importance of safety and security in our daily lives. This perspective on security is reflective of how in control we feel over our daily lives. Rioting and looting neg