Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/14/20



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, KARN host Doc Washburn fills in. The very first indictment from the investigation into the origins of the Russian collusion investigation came down today. FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith was indicted and pled guilty to falsifying government records to fraudulently obtain a FISA Court warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. Mark Levin sounded this alarm back in March 2017. Then, Anthony Fauci says he sees no reason why Americans cannot vote in person. Mail-in voting is the easiest way to expose the 2020 election to fraud. Later, a private company in Cleveland was raided by the FBI and it turns out that the company was the holding company for a private bank that was affiliated with Ukrainian energy company Burisma. Afterward, the tragic murder of five-year Cannon Hinnant goes largely under-reported. Hinnant was allegedly shot at point-blank range in his head by his 25-year-old neighbor. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit