Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/13/20



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris keep trying to fool smart, thinking Americans that President Trump is responsible for coronavirus deaths. Even though, nine out of ten states with the highest deaths-per-million in the country are states run by Democrats. Nearly one-third of all US deaths occurred in New Jersey and New York. Then, Anthony Fauci, who is to blame for so much of this pandemic, agrees with Joe Biden who says wearing masks until the election would save 40,000 lives, despite the claim having no basis in science. With respect to mask-wearing, a government that can control what you wear and what you do when you're outside is a government that has no limits on its power. This is not about science. It has never been about science — it’s a power grab. Later, US Ambassador David Friedman calls in to discuss a once-in-a-generation peace plan. The achievement of normalizing diplomatic ties between Israel and the Arab nations of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The plan suspends anne