Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/10/20



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Minority Leader Chuck Schumer are blackmailing America. They are demonizing President Trump for a payroll tax holiday, similar to President Obama's cut to the payroll tax in his 2011 Jobs Act. Meanwhile, Social Security won't last past 2034 so Joe Biden wants to gut it immediately and let the system bleed out by lowering the age limit. All three of these hypocrites supported Obama's executive order and payroll tax cuts in 2011 without sounding any alarms regarding Social Security. Then, in breaking news, President Trump was interrupted by the Secret Service during a press briefing at the White House and temporarily moved to a more secure location. Trump returned after the shooting outside the White House was swiftly dealt with by the Secret Service. The safety of any president must never be politicized. Trump faces a staggering and frightening amount of death threats. Later, media critics take baseless shots at conservative talk radio in an attempt to