Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/6/20



On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, what is the Democrat plan for the mass murders and shootings occurring across America in major cities? What was Joe Biden's plan to quell these killings? Nothing, no plan! Do black lives matter to the organization known as BLM? They too have been silent on the slaughter of innocent Black babies. Democrats have worked tirelessly to disarm the public in these cities and now they're trying to abolish the police. Then, the media won't tell you, but coronavirus deaths have decreased by more than 92% since the virus' peak in April. Over the past week coronavirus only represented only 6% of all deaths in the U.S. Later, President Trump should run on the platform of 1776 versus Joe Biden and the 1619 Project. Making the case for the founding of the greatest country ever created and making a sharp contrast with Biden. Biden is part of the ideological war against America and sadly it has real victims, Black Americans losing their lives at the hands of other Black Americans because of Democr