Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/30/20



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, Joe Biden truly is a racist, and the only party to sell out to the Soviets over the years has been the Democrats. The New York Times claims that anonymous sources allege that the President was aware that Taliban terrorists were hired to assassinate American soldiers. Of course, the left tried to position this pseudo-event as a scandal. The same New York Times that gave aid and comfort to Adolph Hitler and covered-up the Holocaust. Then, Biden has a history of racist comments yet the media only cares about President Trump's tweets. How quickly they forget about Kamala Harris pressing Biden on this issue at the Democrat debates earlier this year. What has Biden done for the African American community in his 50 years of public service? Later, if there's such a focus on carbon dioxide then why are we being encouraged to wear masks and inhale one's own carbon dioxide? Isn't carbon dioxide what the environmentalists are always protecting the world from? Afterward, Scott Walter, Preside