Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/15/20



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the Rayshard Brooks case is not the same as the George Floyd case. Floyd was handcuffed face down and was not resisting. Brooks fought the officers, took their taser, and then fired it at the police officer pursuing him. The officer discharged his weapon to stop Brooks who died as a result. Then, the Democrat Party was the party of the confederacy and slave owners. The statues being pulled down are of Democrats, Jefferson Davis was a Democrat, Democrats wore white hoods and white robes and terrorized Black people. The Democrat Party elected a KKK leader, Robert Byrd to the US Senate. The Democrat Party should not get a pass on this. Based on the left's failed logic, every label of the Democrat Party affixed to any building, monument, program or otherwise should have the name of the Democrat Party name wiped off of them. Afterward, it has proven challenging to maintain a supreme court that is consistent with the Constitution. The Chief Justice is a liar and seems to believe in nati