Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/13/20



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, Joe Biden is Corrupt. Whether it’s due to dealings with his son in Ukraine or his brother in China. When asked what he knew, Biden pretended he knew nothing of the January 5, 2017 meeting regarding the unmasking and investigation of Michael Flynn. Judge Emmett Sullivan has taken a step too far in partisanship threatening to hold Flynn in criminal contempt. These amicus briefs make the case for a backdoor prosecution from the bench. Then, despite the lies from the media, the truth is getting out, that Barack Obama, Biden and others misused law enforcement to spy on Trump and then to fraudulently try and remove him from office. The same day that Biden requested that Flynn be 'unmasked' Flynn's name was leaked to columnist David Ignatius of the Washington Post. Biden is one of 16 individuals from the Obama Administration that requested that Flynn's identity be unmasked from routine surveillance by the NSA. The number of people is unprecedented and it all started with their backdoo