Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/11/20



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, over the past 60 days, we've gone from defective tests procured by the CDC to having the best tests available. Under President Trump's leadership, testing has increased by millions. Yet the fake news media continues their hostile gotcha journalism trying to trap Trump in a race-baiting question. It’s because of lies like Chuck Todd and the hostile left-wing media spread that we don't have unity in America. Similarly, Speaker Pelosi is keeping Congress from coming in to vote, and instead of being chastised for her unconstitutionality, she is praised as brilliant. Later, the facts and evidence found in new court papers support what Mark Levin said on this program on March 2, 2017, that this was a soft or silent coup against Trump. For this analysis, this program was wrongly labeled conspiratorial. However, it turns out that this program has been vindicated by the facts since officials in the Obama Administration did conspire against the Trump campaign and against President-Elect Tru