Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/30/20



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, despite the FBI not having a shred of credible evidence against General Mike Flynn he was railroaded into a coerced guilty plea. It’s now known, from the FBI's own notes that they had a goal of trapping him into lying or getting him fired. Then, the media is obsessed with counting coronavirus deaths so that they can blame President Trump. The left in Washington and the media chant that the data and science must be followed, except when it comes to blue-state governors like Andrew Cuomo who sent COVID-19 patients into nursing homes. More than 25% of all deaths in New York are from nursing homes. Later, the Gallup poll organization reports that Trump's approval rating has gone up, although this program believes that Trump's approval rating would be between 50-60% if America had an honest media. Afterward, Gov. Ron Desantis demonstrates strong leadership in taking a bold step in re-opening Florida. Finally, Dave Rubin joins the show to discuss his new book, Don't Burn This Book: Th