Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/24/20



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, the media promotes group-think and will do anything they can do to hurt President Trump. This time they're twisting his words to claim he suggested Americans drink detergent, which of course he did not. Then, in the long run, we will see that the coronavirus response from individual governors like Andrew Cuomo has cost lives. Hospitals have paid a high price, as have other practitioners and small businesses. It is now known from the data, that the number of ventilators requested by Cuomo was never needed, not even during the peak or apex of the outbreak. In fact, Cuomo's poor decision to commingle COVID-19 patients with senior citizens in long-term care facilities has proven to be deadly. Later, following his appearance on this program Dr. John Ioannidis has come under attack by the media for not following their 'shelter-in-place" narrative. Afterward, Rep, Tom McClintock calls in to discuss the lock-down in California which has plunged tens of millions of Americans into unemploym