Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/23/20



On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrats want to keep the economy shut down, perhaps they think this only affects President Trump supporters, but it doesn't. This closed economy hurts all Americans - blue collar, white collar and healthcare workers. However, it wasn't too long ago that the media and the Democrats were urging Republicans to open up the government during past government shutdowns. The fact remains that 26 million Americans are unemployed because the economy has been closed. Leftists take advantage of moments like this to advance their big-government agenda. This must be peacefully protested. Then, producing money at the rate the United States currently is will cause inflation down the road and that can become very dangerous to our economy in 2022. Each day more businesses fail, the overall supply chain will suffer because certain manufacturers, transporters, and retailers will be missing. Also, Sweden decided to avoid any lock-down and is now reported to be close to reaching herd immunity.