Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/22/20



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, Constitutionalists are now the resistance against socialism and reckless deficit spending. First, some Governors said that they would open their states when they felt it was right because they were relying on federalism. Then they said they'd use the police to enforce their emergency order on citizens that were behaving constitutionally. With unemployment numbers around the 20% range, it leaves about 80% of the American workforce who are working right now and are fighting the virus simultaneously. Despite the myopic view of the media, the horrific economic consequences of the Wuhan virus must be reversed by opening the economy and getting people back to work. Then, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy joins the program to discuss how technology can play a major role in re-opening the country. McCarthy also stressed the need for Nancy Pelosi to stop playing politics and get members of Congress back to work. Later, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is right on track in oppos