Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/21/20



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, it’s time for a new Tea Party movement! First, Washington D.C. adopted the Maduro economic plan to shut down the economy and now they're spending this country into bankruptcy. It seems we're bailing out everyone and everything except the small business owners that need it most. This isn't a battle over money and politics, it’s a battle over ideas — the ideas that started America. Then, Democrats suggest following the experts regarding reopening the economy. But the experts were wrong and said that 2.2 million American's would die, so is America following the right experts? This is a serious virus and the data should be taken seriously. What's more, the CDC released a study indicating that obesity was a prominent underlying issue for coronavirus deaths. Sen. Chuck Schumer and the media reject the facts and the truth whenever it’s inconvenient with their political positions. Later, as this program pointed out weeks ago, some employees are now opting to be unemployed because the ben