Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/17/20



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, experts like Dr. David Katz and Dr. John Ioannidis have cited the importance of quarantining the most vulnerable, not the entire populace. Meanwhile, Governors like Andrew Cuomo, who has done a poor job planning and as of last year was in the hole for $6 billion, now hopes that the federal government will bail his state out and is using coronavirus as his excuse. Then, it is now believed that the coronavirus has spread throughout New York by its subway and bus system. Leading some to question why Cuomo didn't shut down the public transportation system the way he shut down every other business. Later, the federal right to protest is being exercised by patriots in various cities across America. Ones Constitutional right to assemble at state capital and demand that one's governor open up their state economy is just that — it’s their right. Afterward, the media continues to provide malicious coverage of the coronavirus. This biased media is bad for America's mental health. Learn more