Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/14/20



On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the tenth amendment is being largely ignored as blue states relinquish federalism in favor of casting blame and seeking charity from the central government. However, it’s states that have a responsibility to meet the needs of their respective states. All politicians seem to think that a tax-and-spend pseudo-monarchy is the solution but it’s not. Democrat Governors are grouping regionally so that they can drag their feet and collectively blame President Trump. Thankfully, Trump has been prudential in his use of federal authority and has not taken any pages from the Woodrow Wilson playbook. Trump would be wise to put strings on any federal aid, requirements that must be met in order to get such funding. It’s time to bring in the economic experts in order to re-open small businesses across America. Then, interstate commerce has been affected but there are questions over who has the authority to re-open states. Federal authority does not supersede state authority unless it’s an issue