Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/7/20



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, the worse this situation gets the more tyranny and deficit spending leftists can impose on the people. The media will attack anyone pointing out flaws in the statistical models, that scientists have used, to estimate the worst-case scenario for coronavirus death rates. Handing over the nation’s economy to a handful of technocrats is a mistake. Adjustments must be made to how business is done, whether its wearing masks and gloves or putting up plexiglass barriers around cashiers, businesses must adapt. America must get back to work. Then, a cause of death code is created for the coronavirus that is so broad, it includes those suffering from other diseases — and are simply believed to have died from it without even testing positive for it —creates flawed death rate data. Later, Sean Davis from The Federalist calls in to point out that all of this defective data has led to a myriad of issues. Problems like the delayed request for everyone to wear masks or the unnecessary panic that