Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/26/20



On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, government spending is nothing to brag about or be proud of because the more money we print the less our dollar is worth and this devaluation of our currency causes inflation. What America needs is production, which creates growth and growth creates jobs. We need to help Americans that need help and we need to do it on a case by case basis. We cannot jump headfirst into the worst economic depression we've ever seen. Then, Stephen Moore, former economic adviser to President Trump, calls in to reiterate that combating the virus and getting people back to work simultaneously is paramount. Moore expressed his distaste for issuing $1200 to all Americans as well as the notion that Andrew Cuomo has been effective during this pandemic. Later, we must get even tougher on China. Xi Jingping and his communist regime must not be defended by our media or anyone else. Xi is a brutal, methodical, mass murderer and his Wuhan virus is destroying our economy. Through our colleges and universities