Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/20/20



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, it’s concerning that we are adopting a response that limits Americans' liberties and it’s concerning that our government is taking a socialistic approach. Politicians are sewing panic and using the panic to implement socialism — bailing out entire industries and mailing millions of checks is not the answer. Government should suspend taxation and encourage businesses and employees to continue working. Not every part of the country requires a severe shut-down, the majority of cases in the U.S are in three states. Of those cases, the majority are localized to certain counties and cities so we don't need to place everyone under house arrest in order to mitigate this virus. Then, the lack of evidence around this virus is fueling the chaos and fear. If the health system is overwhelmed because of this epidemic it could be short term, but if it’s because of other ailments it could be a long term shortage, the problem is that we just don't have the data to know. Later, the economic stimulu